- Alternative Shortboard -

East Coast watermen know puppy drum are aggressive, reliable, and hard-fighting fish that always leave a smile on your face. The same can be said for this board, the offspring of a retro fish and a high-performance shortboard. Easy paddling, stability, and natural speed balanced with drivey bottom turns, trustworthy rail-hacks, and snappy release at the lip. The Puppy Drum is an excellent step towards performance for average Joes and a fun, comfortable break from toothpicks for rippers.
Shaper's Notes:
The shortboard model that I ride the most. I wanted a board that would allow me to approach the wave face with a shortboard's aggression and responsiveness without sacrificing the easy paddling and comfortable flow of a fuller fishy outline.
Bottom-fluted wing provides a wide tail for easy wave-catching and more stable turns while allowing for a narrow planing surface with fast response and super-snappy release.
High centerline volume with tight performance-foiled 60/40 rail shapes.
Twin-fin (uprights recommended) in line with the wing for precision pivot & release.